If you are looking for a simple, yet comprehensive, sustainability self-assessment tool, help is at hand. The free, open-source Basic Sustainability Assessment Tool (BSAT) is intended for use by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large companies with minimal / no sustainability staff. The primary sources of its questions are B Lab’s SDG Action Managerand the Future-Fit Business Benchmark.
It uses only 20 multiple-choice questions to assesses company performance on the core sustainability / ESG (environmental, social, governance) issues, as determined by a comparison of a dozen sustainability planning, assessment, reporting and ranking frameworks. Then, it maps those ESG scores to related, primary Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to the three extra-financial capitals (natural, human and social), to express company sustainability performance in those terms. That is why the tool was previously called the “3-in-1 Sustainability Assessment Toolkit.”
The BST webpage includes help videos and a flyer. From the BSAT webpage, you can download the Excel version of this tool, as well as access an online version of the tool, created using SpreadsheetConverter (SSC). The online, shareable app is hosted by the SSC cloud.
The BST webpage includes help videos and a flyer. From the BSAT webpage, you can download the Excel version of this tool, as well as access an online version of the tool, created using SpreadsheetConverter (SSC). The online, shareable app is hosted by the SSC cloud.