The free, open-source Advanced Sustainability Assessment Tool is intended for use by large, multi-location, multi-national corporations with sustainability professionals on staff. Its companion "Basic Sustainability Assessment Tool" (see its separate posting) is intended for use by SMEs and large companies with minimal / no sustainability staff. Both toolkits assess core sustainability / ESG issues, but use different assessment approaches. A detailed comparison of the two approaches is available here.
The Advanced version is based on the Future-Fit Progress Calculators ("Calculators") created by the Future-Fit Foundation. As described on its Intro worksheet, the significant differences between this Advanced tool and the FFBB Calculators are:
- The 39 Calculator worksheets in the Main, Procurement and Financial Assets workbooks are consolidated into one Break-Even Scores worksheet in the Toolkit.
- The tool includes a Positive Pursuits template.
- The tool assesses Governance.
- Company site, product and employee information is consolidated into one Company Profile worksheet.
- The Calculators start with allowance for 100+ sites, products and employee groups; the Toolkit starts with an expandable sample set of five of each of those line items.
- The tool does not include "Relevance" criterion for each break-even goal.
- The tool does not use conditional formatting.
As does the Basic version of the tool, the Advanced version assesses company ESG performance, using the FFBB Break-Even Goals and Positive Pursuits. Then, it maps those scores to related, primary SDGs and the three extra-financial capitals (natural, human and social).
It currently is an Excel workbook. I'd value your feedback on it, especially your thoughts about whether an online version of it would be useful.