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Zero Waste – Supply Chain Solutions Center

Suite of Tools | Free

Waste is a product of inefficiency, and inefficiency is costly.

Attention to waste generated across the supply chain is growing. Simply put, waste is a product of inefficiency, and inefficiency produces environmental and business costs. 

Every year, nearly half of food in the U.S. goes uneaten. The majority (85 percent) of this waste occurs downstream by the consumer, businesses, and homes. Current recovery efforts are unsupported and unable to prevent nearly all (95 percent) of the food waste that ends up in landfills and contributes to rising greenhouse gas emissions.

Like most foods, everyday items we consume come wrapped in packaging. This packaging, while intended to protect the product inside, contributes to one of the greatest environmental and health issues we face today: plastic pollution. It is estimated that only 9 percent of plastic waste is recycled properly, while the rest is sent to landfills or gets dispersed in the environment. 

EDF and other NGO experts have collaborated to provide cross-cutting solutions and best practices for packaging and food waste prevention across supply chains. Many zero-waste strategies require engaging along the supply chain. Look through the categories below to find the solutions for your biggest waste challenges.



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