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Safer Chemicals – Supply Chain Solutions Center

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Behind the Label: a blueprint for safer chemicals

We need a new marketplace paradigm.

The chemicals used in your products and packaging have a direct impact on the health of consumers, the environment and workers; yet, this impact is seldom mentioned in sustainability discussions. Over the last several decades, we have begun to learn that many of the chemicals we rely on today are linked to diseases and disorders like asthma, infertility, and cancer or cause damaging environmental impacts, like toxicity to fish. As we understand more about the connection between chemicals and health, companies face growing risks and opportunities. 

Consumers and investors are demanding safer chemicals in products. Regulatory bodies around the globe are trying to play catch-up and restrict or ban toxic chemicals from commerce. But if we want a future built on safer chemicals, government can’t do it alone. We also need companies like yours to lead.

Fortunately, EDF is here to help. Our resources will help build your understanding of the toxic chemicals in consumer products, answer why companies should develop safer chemical strategies, and provide further resources for you to dive deeper.



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