This sector guide defines the food and beverage sector to encompass all businesses operating in the production, processing, or retailing of food and beverage products, excluding the hospitality/foodservice sector which is beyond the scope of this guide. Farmers, traders, wholesalers, food manufacturing companies, and retailers together make up the world’s largest sector, generating an approximate global value of around USD 12.5 trillion based on revenue, or 17% of world GDP in 2013 (KPMG 2013; calculated from MarketLine 2013a,b,c,d,e). These businesses also span different tiers of production, and are reliant on international trade and complex supply chains. Though industry participants have differing degrees of vertical integration into agricultural products, with some companies operating farms, processing facilities, and storage and distribution networks.
The food and beverage sector guide was developed through a unique collaborative effort led by Trucost through the IUCN consortium on behalf of the Coalition. This sector guide was funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.