WaterStat is the world’s most comprehensive water footprint database. All datasets included come from peer-reviewed research and are based on the Global Water Footprint Assessment Standard. Water footprint statistics can be used to inform public policies or company business strategies, to raise awareness, or as input to research projects.
Water footprint statistics have many uses – in Water Footprint Assessment studies, awareness raising and research projects, to inform public policies or company business strategies. Because the water footprint statistics have been formulated using the same methodology – the Global Water Footprint Standard – they are comparable and can be used to tell the complex story of water. WaterStat is the world’s most comprehensive water footprint database. WaterStat currently includes six datasets:
1) Product water footprint statistics
2) Monthly blue water footprint (30×30 grid scale)
3) National water footprint statistics
4) International virtual water flow statistics
5) Water scarcity statistics
6) Water pollution level statistics
All data included in WaterStat comes from peer-reviewed research. Additional water data will be added as they become available.
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How Water Footprint Assessment can be applied at different scales, from local to global, and from different perspectives, such as environmental, social, and economic. It can help to identify the hotspots and gaps in water use efficiency and sustainability, compare the water footprint with the water availability and allocation, value the water-related ecosystem services and benefits, and analyse the trade-offs and synergies between water use and wetland conservation. Water Footprint Assessment is based on the Water Footprint Assessment Manual and uses the Water Footprint Assessment Tool and the WaterStat database as sources of data and calculation in the upper Awash River basin. show it in the table form