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Coastal Resilience Decision Support Tool

Framework / Guidelines | Free | Jan 01, 2008

Coastal Resilience examines natures role in reducing coastal community risk, through four critical steps: 1) Assess risk and vulnerability; 2) Identify solutions; 3) Take action; 4) Measure effectiveness. The online mapping tool supports planners, government officials, and communities to develop risk reduction, restoration and resilience strategies. It includes a data-viewing platform and suite of web applications tailored to meet specific planning needs. The tool primarily identifies nature-based solutions but also supports disaster response, coastal habitat restoration and climate change policy. Partners: UN University, NOAA, USGS, Natural Capital Project, Association of State Floodplain Managers, University of California at Santa Cruz, University of Southern Mississippi, Esri and Alliance for Development Works, IFRC and the Global Disaster Preparedness Center


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