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San Francisco Climate Action Strategy

Framework / Guidelines | Free | Oct 21, 2013

San Francisco has long been a leader in environmental, social, and economic prosperity. Today we confront what may prove to be the greatest challenge of our era—climate change. 

Over the past two decades, San Francisco’s local government, businesses, and private citizens have made tremendous progress, reducing the citywide carbon footprint by 14.5% while building the economy and improving quality of life. The city is cleaner and better! Yet there is more to do.

With the effects of climate change now being felt sooner and stronger than expected, the City of San Francisco is offering an update to its 2004 Climate Action Plan. This report provides a summary of progress and examples of successful policies and programs, and outlines a set of actions that can be taken by citizens, businesses, and government. Collectively, the following actions make up the core of the strategy:

  • source 100% of residential and 80% of commercial electricity from renewable sources, coupled with energy efficiency improvements to reduce usage
  • make 50% of all trips outside of personal vehicles
  • achieve San Francisco’s 0 waste goal (reducing emissions from this sector to zero)


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