Jacob Malthouse-Ogilvie
What is .eco?
.eco is a new web address ending—known as a top-level domain—for those committed to positive change for the planet. .eco web addresses are available to any business, government, non-profit or individual working toward a sustainable future.
The .eco domain is backed by more than 50 organizations including Conservation International, WWF and United Nations Global Compact.
.eco is a new web address ending—known as a top-level domain—for those committed to positive change for the planet. .eco web addresses are available to any business, government, non-profit or individual working toward a sustainable future.
The .eco domain is backed by more than 50 organizations including Conservation International, WWF and United Nations Global Compact.
Can I get a .eco?
Yes, you can. If you care about the planet, this is the best way for you to show it. Companies like Grainger, JD Decaux, Tesla and Google all own .eco domains!
This new ending for your web address is open to anyone committed to positive change for the planet.
To register and activate a .eco domain name, you need to make a commitment to environmental action. This simple pledge ensures that .eco endures as a trusted symbol for those working toward a sustainable future.
"The .eco domain immediately demonstrates our commitment to environmental sustainability."
- Sandra Capponi, Co-founder, Good on You
- Sandra Capponi, Co-founder, Good on You
Get.eco and the .eco registry are run by a group of thoughtful, committed citizens who are passionate about a sustainable future.