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Base Code Guidance: Child Labor

Article | Free | Jul 02, 2017

This guidance is intended to help businesses understand child labour and the responsibilities of companies to embed the application of ETI’s Base Code Clause 4 in their global supply chains. It aims to frame and understand the complexity of the issues, recognising that each situation is different, and that no ‘one size fits all’ approach is possible. The guidance provides advice to companies on what they could and should do to identify, manage, mitigate, prevent and continuously monitor and improve their approaches to child labour. 

This is not intended to be a definitive guide, but a work in progress. Many other specialist organisations have produced helpful toolkits, guidance documents and briefings. These are listed in an extensive set of references in the Annex and signposts where you might seek specific answers to specific questions requiring specialist expertise. ETI will continue to generate evidence, advice and practical tools for companies as more is known about what works, where and why, and as more lessons are shared.


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