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Environmental Prices Handbook 2017 | Methods and numbers for valuation of environmental impacts

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Environmental Prices, also called shadow prices, are prices for environmental goods. In our societies, prices are used to express value and guide decision making. Environmental Prices give the value to society for emissions that harm the environment. Using a peer reviewed methodology that combines valuation techniques with lifecycle analysis, a system has been developed that establishes the value prices for over 500 environmentally harmful substances. In both its coverage as its scientific and transparant calculation methods, the method is unique worldwide. Environmental prices have been established for the Netherlands and for the EU. They are publicly available. With the model Benefito, we can transfer these prices to other locations worldwide.    

In the Netherlands, environmental prices have been used and promoted by public governments for use in SCBA, legal decisions (antitrust policies) and by companies to calculate the environmental profits from changes in operations. 


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