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Calculator / Equations / Formula | Free | Jan 01, 2016

Ecosystem Services Identification & Inventory (ESII) Tool lets people understand the benefits that nature provides and incorporate the value of nature into decision making.

The ESII Tool (pronounced “easy”), was developed in collaboration by The Dow Chemical Company, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and EcoMetrix Solutions Group (ESG).  ESII is a free assessment tool that provides information that can lead to better business decisions and better conservation outcomes. It fills an important gap between simple tools built upon limited scientific information and complex tools that require expert users. Designed for business managers, engineers, and ecologists alike, the tool can be used in the early stages of decision making to identify benefits provided by natural assets so that their value can be incorporated into operational and planning decisions. The ESII Tool can be used in site planning, impact assessments, cost/benefit analyses, or to compare alternatives. Outputs from the tool can be used directly in financial analyses or engineering models.  ESII is owned by TNC and managed by ESG.


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