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EarthSmart Life Cycle Assessment Software

EarthShift Global LLC
Other | Paid

EarthSmart is a flexible, web-based tool for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - evaluating the environmental impacts of a product or service across its entire life cycle, from raw materials to disposal and recycling.
EarthSmart provides built-in parametric modeling and over 8,000 internationally verified datasets covering common materials, processes and energy inputs, plus tutorials and models that kick-start your LCA process. This enables sustainability professionals to assess existing practices and a wide range of what-if scenarios with efficiency, rigor and consistency, pointing the way to genuine sustainability advancements that mesh with your organization’s needs and priorities.
At the same time, EarthSmart’s unmatched intuitive user interface allows experts in areas other than LCA to get quick, clear responses to their own “what-if” questions and ideas. You can, for example, use EarthSmart to integrate LCA into your design process, so that designers and engineers can assess the broad impact of adopting an alternative material or manufacturing process.


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