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Water Stewardship in the Beverage Industry (2016)

Article | Free | Aug 30, 2016

Primary Functions:
  • Guide and inspire companies to continually improve on matters related to water stewardship
  • Outline water stewardship essentials for the beverage industry
  • Look to how water stewardship practices and expectations might evolve in coming years
Beverage companies are in a unique position to catalyze global water stewardship by influencing their many stakeholders, including suppliers, customers, governments and communities worldwide. BIER members recognize the shared nature of water challenges, and that no single government, organization or section of society can address these challenges alone. As such members are committed to working in collaboration to help achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #6: ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

In the interest of outlining the qualities that define excellence in water stewardship, the members of BIER have collaborated to refresh our framework for World Class Water Stewardship in the Beverage Industry. As BIER has advanced our water stewardship agenda, members have continued to refresh and refine this framework to represent the evolution of industry practices and address heightened stakeholder expectations.

Working under the assumption that compliance with all laws and regulations is only a starting point, BIER members have developed six leadership principles that outline the essentials of water stewardship, plus look forward to what is possible in the future. This refreshed framework for water stewardship in the beverage sector continues to serve as a common beacon that will help guide and inspire companies to continually improve and to Act, Engage and Influence Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER) on matters related to water stewardship.


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