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Predictive Building Energy Management

Green Power Labs
Other | Paid | Nov 22, 2016

Commercial and residential buildings consume about one-third of the world’s total energy.  Building heating and cooling is the single largest part of that energy consumption.  It is also the most expensive portion of building energy cost as power for heating/cooling must be purchased even at peak rates. 

Predictive Building Control (PBC) improves the management and overall efficiency of a building’s energy use by continuously anticipating and reacting to changing weather, solar irradiance, and occupant requirements for heating and cooling.  Because weather and heating/cooling loads vary significantly throughout the day, the impact of intelligent prediction can be significant.

PBC services from Green Power Labs can reduce heating and cooling energy costs by 10-25% while improving tenants’ thermal comfort, even in LEED Gold buildings.

Green Power Labs is a leading developer and service provider for predictive energy management solutions, with over 13 years of operational experience.  Predictive energy management encompasses predictive analytics—providing critical weather and energy data for building operations in real time—and predictive controls—using this data to optimize building performance, reducing energy use, costs, and carbon footprint.


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