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New Carbon Economy Consortium: Building Research Programs to Support 21st Century Economic Opportunity

Book / Report | Free | Jun 06, 2017

What if we could turn a pollutant—CO2 in the atmosphere—into a valuable resource that can fuel our economy?  

A new carbon economy is urgently needed to develop new businesses and reinvent the industries that powered the last industrial revolution—like manufacturing, mining, agriculture, and forestry—to create a strong, healthy and resilient economy and environment for communities around the globe.


Center for Carbon Removal, in partnership with Arizona State University and several other research institutions, is leading an audacious consortium with the goal of developing solutions that transform waste carbon dioxide in the air into valuable products and services.


The aim is to radically transform how we think about climate change. It isn't just, "How do we stop putting carbon in the air?" Instead, New Carbon Economy Consortium (NCEC) is focused on cleaning up the excess carbon we have already put into the atmosphere. The question instead becomes, "How do we turn carbon pollution into all of the materials and fuels that drive our lives today?"


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